Babies R Us and Nuby have partnered together for a March campaign called “M is for Mealtime”; to contribute, I wanted to share my latest favorites in the Nuby lineup, and they have all helped to make our meal times MUCH easier!!!! I really don’t think I could do without any of these, so if you’re interested in trying them, head to Babies R Us!
The Sure Grip Miracle Mat
I talked about this mat but in a different shape in this post. Oh, how we LOVE THIS THING!!! It grips well to any surface, and I love the compartments!! It’s saved our table tons of wear. The only thing about this one that you might dislike, is that its total surface area isn’t as wide as the one I talked about in my other post. So if you’re looking for a smaller version, this is your guy! If you want a bigger and wider one, go with this one! The mat is 100% silicone, and is dishwasher safe. I don’t want ANYTHING that can’t go in my dishwasher at this point. And even if it can’t, I put it in there anyway. Because who knows, maybe it was just a fake warning….haha!
The Garden Fresh Mash N Feed
This little gadget has been SO awesome for mashing up our own food. It was perfect for some steamed edamame, and the dishes weren’t hard to clean after!!! I can’t find the link, but Babies R Us has it if you’re looking for it. I really like this simple design; I originally bought a baby food steamer, and that thing was way too much work. This is perfect…steam the veggies in the microwave, then mash them up after and DONE!
The Flip N’ Sip Cup
This is my daughter’s favorite sippy cup!! I absolutely love that the lid flips over the straw, and it truly doesn’t leak at all. It comes in a tw0-pack (blue and pink), and the cup size is 9oz. The only likely annoying thing I can think of with this is that if you don’t wash out the straw immediately, you could get some cakey junk in there…so I wash it right away after she’s done with it.
This post was sponsored by Nuby, but all opinions are authentic.
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