Being a working mom is hard. Being a stay at home mom is hard. No matter how you choose to do it, being a MOM is hard. I chose to be a working mom for a variety of reasons, and while I’m happy with the decision I made, there are some days where I just feel down and defeated. Bad mom…bad employee…bad wife…you name it, I’ve felt it all.
I reached out to 5 Working Moms (who are also bloggers), and I wanted to share some of their advice and their blog links with you in case you’re looking for some advice, considering going back to work, or just want some more ladies to follow who might be in the same boat as you are. It’s hard to be a working mom, but feeling like you’re alone is the worst…and you’re not! Check out these working mamas, and connect with them on their blog and social channels. You won’t be sorry, and maybe you’ll find a new virtual connection that you can relate to, and help you through those guilty days…because we all have them, right?!
Ashley, from Spit Up and Sit Ups
Blog: www.spitupandsitups.com
Instagram: @spitupandsitups
What is your job?
Executive Assistant for three managing directors at a large commercial real estate firm.
Have you always been a working mom?
Yes! Since my son was born in 2015, I’ve been a full time working mama outside the home.
Why did you choose to be a working mom?
I wouldn’t say I chose it. We live in a very expensive area and we both need to work. If things were different, I would still definitely try to work inside the home whether that’s just on my blog or in a remote position.
What is the hardest thing about being a working mom, in your opinion?
Missing an entire day in my son’s life. In the mornings, I run around trying to get ready for the day and in the evenings it can feel like a big rush to get dinner on the table, bath time, play time, and bed time. I wish there were more non-working hours in the day!
What are your tips on managing your family and work schedule? I schedule things.
Once we fell into a routine I knew scheduling would work well for us. I’m go with the flow so I’m not a strict person when it comes to the schedule, but if “Go to the pool!” is on the agenda I work really hard to make that happen for all of us.
What would you like other moms, whether they’re SAHM, or working moms, to know about what it’s really like in your position?
Some days I’m incredibly grateful that I can help provide for my family and other days I want nothing more than to find activities on Pinterest for the week to do with my son. Oh, I also need a nap.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to another working mom, or something considering being a working mom vs SAHM?
Your child will be fine and will see how amazing you are, how hard working you are, and how much you love them. You are enough.
Belle, from One Awesome Momma
Blog: www.oneawesomemomma.com
Instagram: @oneawesomemomma
What is your job?
I am a Software Developer for a non-profit organization. We basically build applications and/or websites from scratch, and improve existing ones that we have depending on the needs of our organization.
Have you always been a working mom?
Yes, but I have always dreamt of being a stay-at-home mom.
Why did you choose to be a working mom?
If I could really choose, I’d rather stay at home and be with my kids all day every day, no matter how crazy and stressful that may get. That has always been my dream since my husband and I got married. But my husband’s income isn’t enough for us to live off of since he also has child support to take care of from his first marriage.
What is the hardest thing about being a working mom, in your opinion?
It’s the fact that you are spending most of your waking moments at work and less time with your precious little ones. It’s knowing that you would be able to take care of your kids way better than the daycare teachers; but really having no choice about it. It’s when your kids cry for you every time you drop them off at the daycare so you can go to work; and then later on realizing that they are forming a strong bond with their teachers every single day instead of you.
What are your tips on managing your family and work schedule?
Laptops, phones, and toys aren’t allowed on the table during meal time. And I usually stop working whenever I’m at home. I don’t reply to emails or answer calls unless it’s really important so I can focus on them. But it’s harder to do that when you’re also blogging because it requires you to do work 24/7. So I try to sneak in a quick blogging work every chance I could and whenever they’re in bed. And every weekends, I try not to do any blogging work unless it’s really needed.
What would you like other moms, whether they’re SAHM, or working moms, to know about what it’s really like in your position?
I’m not going to say that being a working mom is harder than being a stay-at-home mom. I recognize the fact that each has its own challenges and rewards; but not one is better than the other. It’s hard to be a mom… period. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. But as a working mom, I am admittedly jealous of stay-at-home moms who are fortunate enough to take care of their kids all day every single day. I am not an ungrateful person; I am beyond thankful that my husband and I have a job which takes care of all the bills and my family’s needs. However, if I’d be given a choice, I’d really choose to be a stay-at-home mom. So I just keep on trying to make that happen; most days I find myself working my ass off (with blogging) in the hopes that I’d get famous and consequentially make a lot of money so I don’t every have to go to work again. But I know that’s not going to happen anytime soon, so I’ll just keep on trying. I’ll keep on trying until it does… for my kids!
What is one piece of advice you’d give to another working mom, or something considering being a working mom vs SAHM?
Where you’re a working mom considering to be a stay-at-home mom or a stay-at-home mom considering to be a working mom, be thankful for and appreciate what you have. I know some stay-at-home moms who long to be a working mom in the hopes that they’d find their identity that they lost when they become moms or so they can have a break from taking care of their kids the whole day. But I also know a lot of working moms, like myself, who’d give anything just to stay at home with their kids. Each of us is blessed in our own way; we just have to recognize that and be happy with what we are given. And if in the end, we get to experience what it’s like to be on the other side, then that would be amazing!
Ashley, from HRVA Moms
Blog: www.hrvamoms.com
Instagram: @HRVAMoms
What is your job?
I am the Senior Buyer of Manage Print Services for a Fortune 250 company. I manage all the printers for the office in the United States and the international relationship with our vendors.
Have you always been a working mom?
Yes. I went back to work part-time at 8 weeks and full-time at 14 weeks.
Why did you choose to be a working mom?
I worked hard on my degree and was promoted to be the youngest Director at my company. I provide a good income for my family and make as much as my husband, so without my income we would have to make major life changes. We found an amazing and affordable daycare so the stars aligned and I got to continue with my passion and my daughter goes to an amazing school.
What is the hardest thing about being a working mom, in your opinion?
Leaving my daughter every morning is the hardest. I still cry some days.
What are your tips on managing your family and work schedule?
Prioritizing! I won’t do a chore or work on my blog till my daughter is in bed. I also, make the most of our time together, so we go all weekend and every night we do something together.
What would you like other moms, whether they’re SAHM, or working moms, to know about what it’s really like in your position?
Make sure you have a great support system. I actually left my old job because I didn’t have it there. My husband and my daughter’s day care are wonderful. I have a great boss that lets me work from home if I need to, or take off early to be with my daughter.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to another working mom, or something considering being a working mom vs SAHM?
Don’t ever for a minute second guess or feel that you need to explain your decision. Whether you are working for personal or financial decisions, you made the right decision for you and your family. Stay strong and reach out to other Moms for support. I have amazing working and stay-at-home Moms that I can call for support.
Jennifer, from Teach, Work Out, Love
Blog: www.teachworkoutlove.com
Instagram: @teach.workout.love
What is your job?
I am a 3rd grade teacher in Washington State.
Have you always been a working mom?
Why did you choose to be a working mom?
I wanted to always have the most options for my family with money and didn’t ever want to be held back because we couldn’t afford something.
What is the hardest thing about being a working mom, in your opinion?
Trying to balance work, momming, being a wife, a house cleaner, keeping up with the laundry -etc.
What are your tips on managing your family and work schedule?
Just getting better at time management and trying to complete my work at school rather than bring it home.
What would you like other moms, whether they’re SAHM, or working moms, to know about what it’s really like in your position?
Life is busy and crazy and you rarely get time for yourself. Being a teacher, the only time I really get for myself is in the summer if I bring my daughter to daycare – otherwise I am always full time everything.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to another working mom, or something considering being a working mom vs SAHM?
Don’t give up! It is never easy – and don’t ever hesitate to ask for help – you are not alone in this process.
Jen, from Diapers and Dog Food
Blog: http://www.diapersanddogfood.com/blog-diapers–dogfood
What is your job?
Marketing director/web master
Have you always been a working mom?
After 8 months went back to work
Why did you choose to be a working mom?
Was having a hard time staying home all day, I never not had a job, it was like cabin fever! I loved my time with my baby, but finding activities to occupy all of the time was daunting! And my husband worked late so I never left the house. Also, I wanted LO to be around her peers to get her walking and talking
What is the hardest thing about being a working mom, in your opinion?
Mom Guilt! That fear that you’re missing something or that your LO will love daycare teacher more than you. Or that you won’t be there if something happens. Mom Guilt is the worst!
What are your tips on managing your family and work schedule?
Get organized, accept help, but remember the laundry will be there tomorrow, embrace what’s happening now
What would you like other moms, whether they’re SAHM, or working moms, to know about what it’s really like in your position?
There’s a delicate balance between mom, wife, employee, friend, etc. Sometimes it’s really hard to switch between roles, but when in doubt I default to my mom tendencies. It makes me a better friend, because I can lend a hand or give advice to friends. It makes me a better wife because my spouse feels taken care of. And it makes me a better worker because others can see my genuine interest and care for them, and people rely on and trust me because of that.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to another working mom, or something considering being a working mom vs SAHM?
If you have to work or want to work, you should do what’s best for you. Don’t worry if others judge (bitches). You have to do what will make you happy and healthy, so that you can be the best mama you can be. And you deserve to be happy! Momming is hard work!
Shelby, from Mouse House Mom
Blog: www.mousehousemom.com
Instagram: @mousehousemom
What is your job?
I have a career in regulatory policy, which means I do a lot of writing, researching policy issues, and provide regulatory advice. I also prepare submissions for filing with a regulatory tribunal.
Have you always been a working mom?
Yes, I took my full maternity leave, 1 year, and returned to my career after.
Why did you choose to be a working mom?
I suppose it was a choice, but I had worked hard at building my career and never thought of not returning after maternity leave.
What is the hardest thing about being a working mom, in your opinion?
I think being a mom can change you. I always wanted to have a child, but before I had my daughter, I did not enjoy kids. I thought I’d love my child, yet still be eager to get back to work. It became clear that my number one priority is my daughter and it was a difficult transition back to work. Working 8 hours (maybe 12+ hours during busy times) and commuting 2 hours means during the week it’s hard to get much time together.
What are your tips on managing your family and work schedule?
My number one tip is to accept help (e.g., grandparents doing daycare pick ups). Also, your question is worded perfect- it requires scheduling! I plan out meals, grocery shopping lists, outfits, and laundry each week to get it all done.
What would you like other moms, whether they’re SAHM, or working moms, to know about what it’s really like in your position?
It’s stressful, but fulfilling. However, all it takes is one bad day at work to make you question if you’ve made the right decision to be a career-driven mom.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to another working mom, or something considering being a working mom vs SAHM?
Find a daycare or child care provider that you trust and feel comfortable with looking after your child. Not being stressed or worried about my child being well cared for and loved makes my time away from her easier.
Thank You!!
Thank you so much to all of these mamas for sharing a small piece of their Working Mom Journey! I hope you all enjoyed this post!
I would be remiss if I didn’t include my own answers to these questions, so here you go!
Meredith from Mommy in Leggings
What is MY job?
I’m in global corporate strategy in consumer packaged goods.
Have I always been a working mom?
Yes. I took 4 months of maternity leave and went back to work. My first day back to work was in August 2016. I dropped off my daughter at daycare for the first time, headed to the airport and flew out to Vegas for a conference that week. I cried my eyes out at the airport. It was one of the worst days ever.
Why did I choose to be a working mom?
I wanted to continue my career, and contribute money to the household so that money wouldn’t be as large of a concern if we wanted to buy something or go on a vacation.
What is the hardest thing about being a working mom, in my opinion?
Feeling stressed about work and feeling stressed about being a good mom. There’s a lot of stress, and sometimes it’s hard to manage.
What are my tips on managing my family and work schedule?
We have a dry erase calendar on the fridge. I write everything down there, and then also plan it on our phones. My husband and I send calendar invites for everything!
What would you like other moms, whether they’re SAHM, or working moms, to know about what it’s really like in your position?
It’s hard no matter what. Don’t judge other moms, whether you stay at home or work. And if you are judging me as a working mom, just know I judge myself way more than you ever could. And it sucks sometimes. You always wonder what “the other side” is like.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to another working mom, or something considering being a working mom vs SAHM?
If you decide to be a working mom, be confident in your decision, but just know that you will have some really bad days where you feel terrible about it. Just because you feel bad ONE day, doesn’t mean that you’re doing the wrong thing for you and your family. And also remember that while you’re working, your kids are having SO much fun at daycare, playing and learning things. When you pick them up and they’re so excited to see you, relish that and make your time count. Get off your phone, stop working, and spend time with them when you’ve got family time—make it as meaningful and engaging as you can!!!
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Thanks for featuring me !!! You other moms are awesome !!!
Thanks for contributing!!! This was such a wonderful post to write because I felt so connected with how everyone else feels as a working mom!
Such a great post! I learned a lot from these working moms! And thank you for letting me be part of it!
Belle | http://www.OneAwesomeMomma.com
Belle recently posted…How To Save Money Shopping Online With Groupon Coupons
Thank you for contributing!!! <3
What an awesome post! I am also a working mom, always have been. It’s great to see what other moms do and how they’re feeling, etc. I am one of those who LOVES to work, but I HAVE to also to support my family monetarily. I do miss my days with the kids SO SO SO much, but I also love the working life!
Jill – Kentucky Makeup Junkie recently posted…Full Face Featuring Only Rimmel Cosmetics
Thanks Jill!!!!! Yep it’s love hate huh!? Argh!! 🙂