Oprah just released her longest gift guide ever, and I spent some time sorting through all of her picks. I love seeing what other people really like…whether she was paid to “love” them or not (who knows!). They’re all pretty nice, but some are pretty expensive!! E! did an article on the list, and stated that if you bought every single one without a discount, you’d spend more than $13,400!! Holy cow!! I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that kind of cash for the holidays!
I decided to do some research on a few of my favorite things I saw on her list, and see if I could find some less expensive alternatives. Now, I totally believe in spending money on quality things. I’ve only included 5, and only items that I personally am buying or would buy for myself or a loved one. I don’t expect my picks to be better than Oprah’s–I mean come on, she’s amazing…but maybe they can give you some food for thought!!! Enjoy!
The Panini Maker
Am I the only one who didn’t get one of these as a wedding gift? I DID get a rice maker (which we’ve used like 2 times), but the panini maker never made it, and every time I see one, I want it. This one on Oprah’s list is for $70, which isn’t bad at all. But since it’s for me…I don’t want to spend that! I started to take a look at some other options. Oprah’s has 25 customer reviews (average 4.7), but this one is $19.88, and has 336 reviews (average 4.4, but I’ll take that over 25 reviews!). I bought this Hamilton Beach one and can’t wait to try it! I get a panini every day at work for lunch, so I’m hoping that I will actually use this thing!!
2. The Tracking Device
I have the TrackR device and LOVE IT. Oprah lists this Orbit one, the price of which I can’t see because it’s out of stock. However, this TrackR one rocks, and is totally worth the $25 for you or that special someone that loses things easily! (I keep mine on my keys…those are lost allllll the time!)
3. The Keepsake Teddy
Of all of Oprah’s things, this is what I want the most!! *Hint hint, husband, if you’re reading!!!* However, I found this one on Etsy, which has amazing reviews, and is less expensive. I also think her teddy is cuter!
4. The Gratitude Jar
I love this idea, but 1) it’s out of stock and 2) you can totally make this yourself!!! Grab a jar like this which is on sale for $10.49 at Target. Then cut up your own pieces of paper and have your family write down things they’re grateful for. You don’t need the pretty paper, really! I think this concept is a GREAT idea though. Or, if you don’t use it for things you’re grateful for, try it for prayers, good things that happened that day, things you’re excited about, etc.
5. The Cosmetic Case
I’m a sucker for any bag. If I can put stuff in it, I want it! Unfortunately, this case just doesn’t do it for me. It’s cute, but I tend to like cute designs. However, I found this bag, which is cheaper, and has a bunch of compartments in it, and I totally need it!! I’ve never seen a cosmetic case that actually has this much organization inside, and with a bunch of upcoming work trips, I need a case that will actually hold things in place as they get bopped around inside my luggage.
I hope you enjoy my picks!! Did you buy anything from her list?!
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I LOVE this post! Yeah Oprah, not all of us can afford that! Thanks for listing cheaper options. I love the idea of the keepsake bear!
Thanks Sami!!!!
I love all the cheaper options! And like you, I don’t have $13K+ for holidays as well, even on ordinary days. LOL! But I really love that keepsake teddy bear. I’ll be sure to check that out!
Belle | http://www.OneAwesomeMomma.com
Thanks Belle!!!!
Omg what a great idea to give the dupes! Love these girl! <3
Thanks Kari!!!!
I giggled because I have that grill you liked as well as a couple of the memory bears who a friend made for my kids. WAY cheaper. Thanks for sharing your versions.
Thanks Ellie!! I LOVE my new grill!! 😀
What a fabulous post idea! I confess, I don’t follow Oprah (we don’t watch TV), so I don’t have to worry about lusting after whatever she recommends … but I am always up for a good bargain! 🙂
Thanks!! Yeah I basically only check out her things once a year, or maybe her book list (because how much can books be?! lol).
First I am always looking for a good deal. I am just cheap. Second I might have to get the sandwich maker for myself!
YES!! Me too!! I just got mine in the mail this week (the cheaper one I listed) and it’s AMAZING!!! I’ve already used it twice!!
Oooo love that there’s a cheaoer alternative to the keepsake bear!!! I’ve been going back and forth about having them made for my kids but they are usually so expensive!!!
Yes and that Etsy one is just adorable right?!
I love this! Such a good idea! Oprah has expensive taste. lol
Niki @ Toot’s Mom is Tired recently posted…15 Moana Toys and Gift Ideas for Obsessed Toddlers
Thanks Niki!!! OMG yeah–my favorite is her panini maker and her quote is something like “most hosts give candles but I like to give this panini maker!!” (which was $80!!). I’m like DANG I wish I had the money to just give out panini makers for host gifts!!!
Oh my! You did a great job finding alternatives. Some of those are crazy expensive! I love the idea of a DIY gratitude jar.
Risa Kerslake recently posted…I just refilled my anti-anxiety medication
Thanks so much girl!! I appreciate it!!
I love this post! What a great idea-I can never really ever afford much of what’s on Oprah’s list, and a lot of your options have way better value. Thanks for this head to head comparison.
Thank you so much! The panini maker is my favorite–I’ve used it so many times, I’ve already gotten my $20 worth! lol!!